Whether you are a longstanding member or new to the club, welcome to our new season.
As Aztecs first played in the Wessex league back in 1972, this season marks the 50th anniversary of the club which is really exciting. We will have more information about this in the coming months!
This is a slightly longer update from me as I want to bring a few important points to your attention:
1. Fixtures
2. Season preparation and subs
3. Request for support – table officials and Refs
4. Reminder on club equipment
5. AGM
1. We only recently had the new fixtures and can confirm the new season will start at the end of September. We have entered three mens teams (Jags, Lions [rebranded from the Lemmings] and Falcons), and two ladies teams [the Storm and Suns]. Training has started and details appear on another post.
2. As well as welcoming you I also want to make sure about what we need you to do to prepare for the season.
- Before you start training and playing you must register with Basketball England as a player (https://membership.basketballengland.co.uk/). This costs £15 but provided when you register you attach yourself to Aztecs basketball club (club code CA1263) and tick the box indicating you want the club to pay then we will take care of the payment
- Subs – These are £30 per month from September, plus £25 joining fee for new members. The first payment must be made before you can play. Club account details are: Aztecs basketball 20-11-74 60137928. (We cannot allow members to play who aren’t up to date on their subs either from previous seasons or current. If you want to ensure you are up to date please direct any questions to jeffskinner@aol.com)
- It goes without saying, but as we return to play please maintain your consideration for your teammates, coaches, officials and opposition by not turning up to training or games while ill or having been exposed to Covid or any other illness which could affect others. Along with the most important reason which is about avoiding any risks to others, I would also like to ensure that the Aztecs do not contribute to a stop-start approach to the league after the last 18 months.
3. I would also like to emphasise the things we need from club members to enable the club to function and continue to develop. Table officials, referees and team secretaries are all really important to have / support. If you have any time to support the club in other activities please let me know – we have a small number of volunteers who keep things going and could do with more from both the mens and ladies teams who are willing to dedicate some time to help. If you want to help but don’t know what you can offer please ask!
- Table officials: If you are not a qualified table official you can still help out by doing the clock and we expect everyone to do that at least once during the season.
- Referees: The league is continually looking for new referees and all clubs are required to provide 1 ref per team to the referees pool. We have to find more refs before next season so if you have any interest in doing this please let me know. The club will pay the costs of the training and of course once you are qualified you will get paid for reffing.
4. Please also help take care of the club’s property – your kit, our basketballs and table equipment – if you notice anything broken or needing replacement please let your coach know who can share back to the committee.
5. We don’t have a date set for the next AGM but I will write back to you all about this in due course.
Finally I wanted to particularly thank Paul, Ian and Jeff for helping us have a summer league this year. I really enjoyed it and I think the new format, addition of professional referees for the majority and the willingness of the players to stick to Covid rules really helped keep it running smoothly.
Good luck to all teams this season!
Auriol Stevens
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